Accelerating The Negotiation With Transparency

Salebarn is OPEN SOURCE technology which is freely downloadable and available for anyone to implement in their business … this blog or CMS is a collection of annotated reading list about how you might use those technologies. A reading list is not an endorsement; it is only a suggestion that it might be worth taking a look at.

Our company, Salebarn LTD is a DevSecOps engineering company which offers implementation-as-a-service … in other words, our service is like for-hire plumbers or HVAC technicians … we do no private consultations or advice for free; there’s a charge for a private one-on-one consultation even if we do nothing; we bill by the hour while we are working on your project and we provide a detailed billing of exactly what we were working on every hour.

Obviously, you might have your own plumber or HVAC technicians; you might prefer the DIY approach using your own tools, buying plumbing fixtures or HVAC appliances, tubing, ducting, install it yourself … you are more than welcome to use, fork, share our reading lists.

If you choose to retain the services of Salebarn LTD, your installation will be private with details available to only the client, but it will use a standard, open source engineering approach with all infrstructure-as-code available in your private repositories, which you can share with any other service provider to maintain or extend your system.

Open Source and Acclerated Public Negotiation

The Salebarn project is open source; that means that it is largely what YOU choose to do with the freely available information. You could think of the free open source material as an advertisement for our services – that’s true only in part. Mostly, it is that we at Salebarn believe strongly in the public benefits of the accelerated public negotiation of auction.

The information represented by an auction price has immense value to others, not just losing bidders, but others people using the auction price to making budgetary calculations, not just now, but the price information will continue to be of at least some relevance to anyone with an potential future interest in that kind of item … AND, of course, the auction price provides peace-of-mind; it allows the both the seller and the buyer of the item to KNOW that the price was absolutely fair to all parts and extremely close to what other people were willing to pay.

Openness has immense value to society at large … there’s no second-guessing or uncertainty or room for doubt. The accelerated negotiation in live and online auctions provides value by allowing everyone to participate in the manner they want, to discover current values as determined by collective intelligence of the free market … there’s no backroom deal OR hotbox negotiation in which the party without power has to accept the powerful party’s offer.

Open sharing of the prices of auctioned commodities results in more open, more fair, more competitive marketplaces and a much better allocation of resources for EVERYONE in the larger economy.